Hey everyone! Sorry for the large gap in time in updating this blog, but it's with good reason. I'm literally 0.4lbs away from 40lbs! I'm pretty excited and I still have a way's to go. I want to lose two more sizes - be somewhere around 10/12. I know I can do it, and to to emphasize the progress I've made and where I want to end up, I did some extreme shopping today.
The pics on the left are me in a new pair of GAP jeans I got on said shopping extravaganza. They are similar to the other pair I have but a few details are different and the fit is a bit different. At first I wasn't sure if I should buy them - they fit but a tad snug. That's where I get my motivation to make it where those feel loose on me. Those are what thoughts go through my head as I work out - all these efforts are to make a better version of the physical manifestation of my awesomeness :) The other awesome part of this purchase - they were $46.99 plus 40%, coming to a grand total of $30.80 out the door. Finding pants that fit me is quite a challenge; proof of this is at Old Navy I tried on their new "Dreamer" jeans and they are narrow at the knees! It was so odd and it happened on both sizes I tried on. I mentioned this to the sales girl and she was surprised; probably no one else had mentioned it directly to her but yeah it was odd.
Other items I bought today: a pair of work out pants from Old Navy - never can have enough; a pair of cross trainer shoes - I'm so sick of my feet hurting by the 5th song at Zumba; 2 pairs of black work pants - they were 50% off at Lane Bryant and I fit into a size 2! For clarification, LB has their own "Right Fit" sizing thing so I'm not really a size 2 but I am one size away from being an 1:) When I first started this weight loss journey, I was a 3 or 4 depending on the cut of the pant. It felt fantastic! I went to Express to find some shirts but they are in that awkward transition in fashion between Fall/Winter and it wasn't pretty. Absolutely nothing in there was that appealing for women or men!
Another new development for this month: I'm starting to add running into my work out routine. I absolutely H-A-T-E running with a passion but it's the only thing that I don't do, therefore I do it in order to challenge my body and VO2 max (yeah, I learned that in Physio!). Last week I didn't get a chance to run but I did the week before and it felt pretty good since I actually ran, none of this sissy la-la jogging with arms flailing everywhere. I like to run down by the beach close to sunset; it's pretty incredible to watch the sun sink behind the horizon, and it gives me something to focus on besides the pain being endured from running. Although my new shoes are for every form of exercise, I'm going to use them for kickboxing and Zumba only and use my "old" shoes for running since that is what they're designed for. I plan on running tomorrow from the south side of Rio del Mar to Seacliff by the RV parking spots...without passing out!