Another month has passed and WW is going alright. For two weeks straight, I maintained and it was starting to really annoy me since I was following the program almost to a T and had increased my activity. This last week, I lost 3.4lbs!!! It felt so good to see that I really was doing something to get closer to my goal. While my overall goal of having 30lbs gone by the end of August was not reached, I'm closer to losing 20lbs! This week it's been a bit tough; been really sad about things that are going on with people from college and feeling rejected. On top of it all I'm PMSing and the 4th marked two months since Matt and I broke up. All those events at once have made me a little sad and I've been definitely craving sweets more. I have been paying attention to my satiety feeling and have been listening to it pretty well, with the exception of today. Today I had Mexican food, candy, coffee, just crap. Tomorrow is a new day and I will do this. I am making progress, even though it's taking slower than I thought. I want to improve my confidence and self esteem and I know by losing weight I will. When my health insurance kicks in, I will probably start going to a counselor to deal with my issues.